Everything You Want to Know And More

We’ve been chatting today about recent conversations with family and friends and, based on some of the questions we’ve been asked, we realize that we’ve not done a good job updating everyone as we’re preparing to move. So we decided to do a post of Morrisons on Mission FAQs. Feel free to ask anything we missed in the comments…

Will we be able to communicate with you after you get to Uganda? 
Yes! We’ll have cellphone and internet service. We currently live in the boonies here in the states and have terrible internet service, so we’ll actually have better service in Uganda. 

How can we get updates on the kids and the ministry?
First off, we realize everyone loves our kids more than they love us, and that’s ok!  We will post lots of pictures and short updates on Facebook and use the Morrisons on Mission blog for our long-winded updates or thoughts. 

When is your departure date?
Short answer… we don’t know! We have made a commitment to not leave for Uganda until we reach $4,500 in recurring monthly support. We currently still need $2,500 in recurring monthly support. 

Have you done any kind of missionary training?
Absolutely and we’re going to do some more! We are excited to be attending The Center for Intercultural Training missionary training in North Carolina in late May and early June. The training wraps up on June 15th, and we hope to depart for Uganda shortly after.

What are you going to do with your house?
We listed our house for sale a week and half ago and received a full price offer within 6 hours of listing. 

Has Jared quit his job already?
Jared has worked for an amazing company for the last 10 years and has gained great favor with his bosses and company owners. They are 100% supportive of our move and are allowing Jared to work up until April 6th to help us make a smoother transition. 

If you close on your house on March 30th, and you aren’t leaving until sometime in the summer, where will you stay in the meantime?
Good question! Anyone have a spare bedroom we can camp out in? Just kidding. Yes, we will technically be homeless for a while, but between our amazing and supportive family and the time we’ll be at missionary training, we’ll have a place to lay our heads down.

I don’t have the means to write a big donation check, so how can I help you?
Pray! Then pray some more! We need as much prayer covering as we can get. However, we also need monthly support. We don’t need big, one-time donation checks as much as we need 100-150 family members, friends, and fans of our kids  to commit to giving as little as $10-20 per month. We would rather have an army of folks who love and support us by praying and giving a little each month than just a few big monthly donors. Every little bit helps, and is GREATLY APPRECIATED!

I want to support you monthly, but don’t know when to start giving?
Even though we aren’t in Uganda yet, you can start your recurring donation now! We are saving up for several large one-time expenses that will come up as we move, plus we need to be a month ahead on our support when we arrive in Uganda. All of our support is being handled  through Forgotten Children Worldwide and will be held securely until needed and carefully accounted for when distributed to us in the field. 

What will you be doing when you get to Uganda?
This is by far the most frequently asked question! Here’s the short answer. Jared will be working with Forgotten Children Worldwide to oversee FCW’s mission primarily in Uganda, but also in Malawi and Zimbabwe, to safeguard vulnerable children and orphans. He will also be heading up an exciting new project that we can’t share all the details about just yet, but promise it’s going to be awesome! (Stay tuned!) Kimberly will be working part time with Karamojong United Family to help them support Karamojong children and families by sharing the Gospel, supporting education, resettlement, and health initiatives.

What will the kids do?
Our children will homeschool initially. We will have a homeschool helper to help make things easier on Kimberly and the kids at home. We will also get to take them on lots of fun adventures all over Uganda. They couldn’t be more excited!

Are there any other things you need for the move?
A couple of things we need that some folks may have laying around are essential oils and homeschool materials. We’ll gladly take any extra oils, and need 1st, 2nd and 5th grade homeschool materials for next school year. 

Thanks for all the love and support.

~Jared and Kimberly